Thirty Things about Me to start...
1. I am Cajun.
2. Born and lived majority of my life in Southwest Louisiana.
3. I was in the Army. I went in to boot camp the fall after I graduated High School.
4. My favorite pizza is called “The President” from Pizzaville USA located in Carencro, LA.
To learn more about them you can check out their page on Facebook here.
5. I don’t suck the heads of crawfish, I only pinch the tails.
6. My favorite TV show is an old show from the 80’s called Robin of Sherwood.
7. I have tried to learn how to crochet more than one occasion and simply lack the talent for it.
8. I do cross-stitch.
9. I am a closet case Make-up Junkie.
10. I used to be a “Girly Girl” prior to the Army.
11. I do NOT know how to read the Tarot fluently. I much prefer getting my cards read.
12. The very first book on the craft I purchased was “True Magick” by Amber K
13. I still possess that first copy of “True Magick” as well.
14. I love to make “Sugar Shock” Iced Tea.
15. I have more than one Tattoo
16. I am a Taurus, and my Chinese Zodiac is that of the Ox so I am very VERY strong headed.
17. Always had a desire to learn how to Fence.
18. I prefer Coke over Pepsi
19. My favorite song is “New Orleans Lady” by a band called Le Roux
20. I love Cajun music especially Wayne Toups!
21. I hate to fly.
22. I love road trips, but feel more secure if I am the driver.
23. On our travels for Sisters of the Craft, I am ALWAYS the driver by my choice, LOL.
24. I have been in quite a few car accidents and was always the passenger. Hence why I like to drive.
25. Until I met my husband, I mostly dated musicians.
26. I used to play the guitar and sing in a band.
27. I haven’t touched my guitar in over 15 years.
28. I like to bang on my djembe or bodhran drums instead.
29. My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice. I enjoy all versions of it.
30. I have a chocolate lab named after Princess Leia.
For a bit more information on who I am you can also read the entry I posted during the Pagan Blog Project by clicking HERE. ![]() |
During the Winchester Handfasting. |
I am a true believer in Karma, what comes around goes around! I try my best to treat others how I would like to be treated. I also take responsibility for my own actions.
Some Wiccans I know think I am a horrible person because I believe in the hunt and fishing of wild game. I think the Lord and Lady provided us with both plant and animal nourishments as gifts. We are all of Gaia. This consist of fire, air, water, and earth (plant and animal). We do what we need to survive and provide for ourselves and family. Everything is alive, and "Everything she touches changes".
I believe that women need to quit fighting amongst one another and come together as sisters. I believe very much in the power of the blood mysteries. With some religions, blood is taboo and frowned upon a woman working any magic while she is on her menses. I believe that it is when she is most powerful and open to magic especially if she is in sink with the moon itself. It's time to "RECLAIM THE CURSE!"
I follow the Wise Woman Tradition of nourishment. Taking care of one's self both physically and spiritually by using the gifts of the earth. I do however have an unending battle of the bulge. Over the next course of the year I hope to lose 100lbs of both physical and mental blockages.
My path to become a better leader for KOTH is never ending. I am currently a student of Rosemary Gladstar's taking her "The Science and Art of Herbalism". I am learning new things everyday when it comes to the Craft, Life, and Faith.