Sunday, December 6, 2009

Convocation 2010

Greetings All,

Today I received an email confirming the two workshops I will be presenting at Convocation 2010.
It is with great honor that I am presenting once again. This is my third year in doing so! Once again, the Magical Mad Hatter Tea Party is on so do not forget to bring your own tea cup this year (and yes a tea cup, not a coffee mug) because we will be doing tea leaf readings this year folks! The other workshop I will be presenting is called the "Pampered Pagan Pantry". Stick around and you will find out more about what that one is all about. It is alot of fun and can get a bit messy. LOL

Those that know me, realize that this is my favorite time of year. It is a chance to share my knowledge with others and also a unique opportunity to learn from others as well. Last year, I enjoyed many different classes, but more particularly was one on Pagan Homesteading by Raven Kalendra. He was extremely charasmatic and able to keep my attention on the subject at hand during his workshop. For the past year I have been focusing on what I could do as far as Pagan Homesteading.....I mean, I don't exactly live on a farm, or even in a country setting for that matter. Living in the city does make more difficult for one to "homestead". Taking some of the information he taught me, and a desire for becoming a better "housewife" and SAHM (Stay at Home Mom), I have been working on a different selection of living the Wheel to it's fullest.

With the fast winter approaching and threat of snow this coming week, I will soon be in full hibernation mode and making my plans for the next coming spring. Being indoors does make me do one thing, it makes me take stock of my life and "clean house" both figuratively and spiritually.

I am very thankful for the things that have happened to me this year. As I have embraced my newest path in life, many doors keep opening up for me. I am grateful to the Goddess and God for all they do to bless me.

I hope everyone that can will experience Convocation once in their lifetime. For anyone that wants to be apart of the larger Michigan Pagan Community, this event is the up most fun one can have during the freezing temperature weather of Michigan during the month of February. If funds are tight, they do welcome volunteers. By volunteering you can be refunded the entire registration fee should you be willing to work the number of hours required for refunds. If you decide to do it, try to get into the Registration booth, or Hospitality Suite, you will meet many people and possibly make new friends.


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