Friday, April 17, 2009

Gathering this Weekend

Just wanted to give a heads up to KOTH and Scathach that I will be gone starting today (Friday 4-17-09) until sometime late Sunday.

Ravenswood and I are attending a Girlfriend Gathering Spiritual Slumber Party this weekend and will be in the woods somewhere with about 25 other ladies! Sorry boys, its a girl only event! I did not make the rules.

I am sure we will not have computer access, so I did not want anyone to think that I was ignoring them.

Other than that, I will have lots to do upon my return. Catch up work for both KOTH and Scathach. Staging our house for possible sale as well and start preparing the nursery for our newest son's arrival in July. Writing, reading, and so much more.

Have a magical weekend to all!

Blessed Be,
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