Today the sky was gloomy all day. It almost looked like it was going to snow already at one point. Luckily, I still have a few more weeks before the snow hits the ground. It is a fact that Winter is almost upon us. I am currently trying to re-organize my home by cleaning and decluttering. Right now "Hurricane Crystal" has hit it hard. It does not even look like I have been cleaning. I have been going thru our storage and boxes upon boxes are scattered throughout the house. I am placing things in boxes to keep, garage sale, and donate. Then I have a large kitchen bag of things to toss as well that I can not do the above or recycle them.
Tomorrow, the Michigan Magical Moms will have their weekly playdate. So I have to make sure that Lancer's current prized possessions are out of reach of the younger children. Last week his lego robot was accidently broken and he was in tears when he got home. It was nothing to fix it, but for the fact that some pieces were missing and I had to go thru his entire room to find the key pieces to hold Mr. Roboto together. He was quite happy when Moma fixed his Boo-boo's. LOL
I really like the other moms in the group and hope to get to know them better and develop stronger friendships. It was a small world when one of the ladies actually knew and is friends with one of my old neighbors. Go figure, another Pagan friendly family was just a few houses down, and I never got the chance to know them. That is how the world has changed in the past few decades. When I was growing up, my family knew everyone down the street (and neighborhood) that we lived in. Now someone that I lived three houses down from for over five years, we barely knew each other at all. I am trying to know my neighbors, some I like and some I don't care for too much (aka Frat House with late night parties) but think as time passes by they are becoming more mature in their nature (not to mention they are tired of fixing mailboxes from their friends mishaps down our street.
In the next few weeks I will be participating in Domestic Witch's "Home Crafted Holidays". I will actually be featured on four different occassions! So make sure to check out her blog as well as mine!
The summer clothes are being washed and then stored in their appropriate totes for the long winter ahead of us. Out come the winter gear and being washed as well. I finally took out my down comforter and changed the curtains on the windows to the thicker panels to keep the cold out and the warmth inside.
Soon it will be soups and gumbo on my brain! I even found a reasonable supplier to ship roux to me because I am too lazy to make my own. LOL Oh good eating is upon us!
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