Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I hope everyone had a magical Mabon!

With my personal tradition, every year my family goes throughout the house and we do a major "Fall Cleaning" and take major stock of what is in our lives both physically and mentally.

Room by room we started this past weekend first going thru clothing to be dontated to good will. Some items will be sold on ebay (like maternity clothing with the tags still on). Our cleaning process will continue throughout this entire month all the way up to Samhain. I like to get the house ready for winter. Gid rid of what we do not need and then make room for what is going to come into our lives this next turn of the wheel.

I also wanted to share something that I have also been working on as well. There is a free magazine that we here in Michigan can get at our local grocery store. It is called Natural Awakenings. Inside the September issue there is an article about the Seven Avenues of Self Discovery. This article really hit home with me, especially about what I already do during Mabon. Its about taking stock of what is important to us. The seven steps are:

Making Lists
Draw a Picture
Take a Field Trip
Clear Out clutter
Ask Questions
Embrace Opportunities

If you are able to get this magazine, I strongly suggest that you read it. I liked it alot and gave me a few different aspects of how to look at my life.

The leaves are starting to change and already has began to fall to the ground. Samhain is upon us. The Wheel is getting ready to turn once again into a new year. What are your goals for this next turn of the wheel?

For me, its to get my home in order. Next spring we hope to sell and move to a larger home that will better suit our every growing family. We also want to move to a better school district. Next, I would love to continue with my writings. I have been asked to write articles for a new magazine that is starting out here in Michigan. Maybe it will turn into a paying gig. Finally, being the best I can be for my family and coven. I want to take the time and appreciate each and every one of them. They are the most important people in my life. I do not want them to forget about it!

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