Friday, August 7, 2015

Wheel of the Year Study

Samhain is almost upon us and it will be that time of year for me to choose new topics to study for the next turn of the wheel. 

Next few weeks I will be thinking about what I want to do.  Which herb, divination, Gods and paths to venture upon to learn about.   Do I stick growing from my roots or shoot off in a new direction and add something new to my repertoire?

If you haven't visited that page here is what I was studying the past year.

This is taken directly from that page and is being archived here for future reference with the tag below. 


This page will be dedicated to the Turn of the Wheel 2014 (Samhain 2014 to Mabon 2015)

Within KOTH every turn of the wheel I ask my students to continue their education.  Each Samhain I ask them to choose topics to study in depth throughout the turn of the wheel.

There are many topics we require and I won't list them all here.  But every year I try to have a theme per say within my studies.  As I think ahead I was not sure what to choose for this coming year's Samhain.  So instead I am going to go "back in time" so to speak.  I am going to re-establish my "Roots" if you will.

For the Turn of the Wheel 2014 I will be dedicating myself to the following.

Green Witchcraft

Yep I am really returning to my roots.  When I first moved to Michigan, one of the first groups I began to circle with was that of Green Witches.  My mentor Jackie to this day is still teaching students and having Moonlodges in her home.  She's such a beautiful and strong teacher.  From her I have learned many things about herbs and the Goddess.  The broom she made for me still hangs in my kitchen to this day. 

So I am going to go back to my roots and relearn.  Refresh and replenish what I have lost from being sick this past year.  In January they took me off one of the medications Benlysta and I have been feeling like crap ever since.   I would so give back the past few months and put up with a few days of being sick to feel better 25 days of the month instead.   (sighs)

It is what it is...and onto a year of rebuilding.  Not only my physical self but that of my mental and spiritual as well. So a few of the things I will be dedicating myself to is:

Divination:  Tea Leaf Reading

Tasseography is the reading of tea leaves that remain in
a tea cup once the beverage has been drunk.

 Aceso (Greek Goddess of curing illness)

Chiron (Greek Centaur known for his ability of healing) 

Herbal Ally

Coriander aka Cilantro
I have actually never studied Cilantro before (at least not that I remember) my electronic BOS died when my previous laptop did.  Another reason why I am choosing to do my research in my blog instead.  Hopefully by doing it here it will be saved for future reference.
As you can see from the above, all items are associated to Healing in one form or another.  So my theme for the Turn of the Wheel 2014 is that of HEALING.
I hope you come back to see what I have tried and what has worked or failed. 
I hope to be more active in blogging again.  I have missed you all.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Have you heard???

Oh my Goddess how time flies.
With more medical issues and real life dealings, this blog has once again been neglected.

Now that I remember my password, I can once again start writing again.  I debated the fact of creating a brand new blog, but I really don't want to lose the information here.  So hopefully I can once again get into the swing of things and real life will settle down and provide me with more opportunities to write.

Two of my dear friends have started a podcast.  You should check them out.

Its called "Heart of the Witch's Path".  You can find them HERE.

There is also a blog as well that you can read HERE.

So check them out and hopefully later in the week I  will be back with another post and get back into the swing of things with a follow up from the Lammas Celebration that I participated with Sacred Birch Society.

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